Arabic Wordlist
Over 200,000 entries
Covers proper nouns and technical terms
Ideal for speech technology
CJKI maintains comprehensive monolingual wordlists for Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Arabic, and Spanish covering near 15 million entries in total.
Our Arabic Wordlist (AWL) covers over 200,000 canonical forms for general vocabulary and proper nouns and includes romanized readings, part-of-speech codes, and semantic classification type codes.
Used by some of the world’s leading IT companies, this database is suitable for a variety of NLP applications for information retrieval like search engines, morphological analysis tools like tokenizers, and speech technology applications like text-to-speech synthesis. The related ArabLEX (Arabic Full-Form Lexicon) under construction is expected to exceed 530 million entries.
Arabic Wordlist
Type | POS | Unvocalized | Vocalized | Transcription |
P | NP | مشاضي | مَشَاضِي | mashā́ḍi̱ |
P | NP | مشادي | مَشَادِي | mashā́di̱ |
P | NP | مشاق | مِشَاق | mishā́q |
G | A | مشارك | مُشَارِك | mushā́rik |
P | NP | مشايطة | مَشَايْطَة | mashā́yṭa |
G | NC | مشعل | مِشْعَل | míshɛal |
G | A | مشهر | مُشَهَّر | musháhhar |
P | NP | مشهور | مَشْهُور | mashhū́r |
P | NP | مشناء | مِشْنَاء | mishnā́ʾ |
G | A | مشرح | مُشَرَّح | mushárraḥ |
G | NC | مشترك | مُشْتَرِك | múshtarik |
G | A | مؤات | مُؤَاتٍ | muʾā́tin |
G | A | مؤسل | مُؤَسَّل | muʾással |
P | NP | مذبان | مُذْبَان | mudhbā́n |
G | NC | مذبح | مَذْبَح | mádhbaḥ |
P | NP | مذي | مِذِي | mídhi̱ |
G | NC | مذيع | مُذِيع | mudhī́ɛ |
P | NP | ماصي | مَاصِّيّ | ma̱ṣṣíy̱ |
P | NP | ماله الله | مَالِه اَللّٰه | mā́lih ʾallā́h |
Practical Applications
CJKI’s Comprehensive Wordlists are being used by some of the world’s leading IT companies for a variety of natural language processing applications, including:
Information retrieval
Word segmentation
Morphological analysis
Reference Documents
Related Resources

Chinese Wordlist
General vocabulary, proper nouns, and technical terms

Japanese Wordlist
General vocabulary, proper nouns, and technical terms

Korean Wordlist
General vocabulary, proper nouns and technical terms