Arabic Plurals
Includes both regular and irregular plurals
Shows multiple plurals ordered by frequency
Indicates sense for sense-dependent plural forms
The CJKI Database of Arabic Plurals (DAP), the first truly modern, fully up-to-date database covering both regular and irregular Arabic plurals. DAP includes various grammatical attributes such as part-of-speech, collectivity codes, gender codes, and full vocalization.
This database is now available for use in software development, machine translation, and Arabic language education. For language learners and language processing software alike, the irregular, or broken, plurals present one of the greatest challenges in learning and processing.
In fact, the majority of noun plurals in Arabic are actually irregular or “broken plurals”. These morphologically irregular plurals are distinct in that they are not formed with regular plural suffixes. Instead, they are formed by modifying the vowels of the vowel-consonant pattern (CV templates) of the singular form. DAP covers over 3000 entries.
DAP has been assembled by a team of specialists in Arabic grammar through meticulous attention and research over a period of many years. This ensures accuracy and avoids the errors found in other works. In an era in which accurate processing of Arabic text is critical, this database represents a major step forward for natural language processing, machine translation, lexicography, and pedagogy.
Arabic Plurals
ID | Plural Arabic 1 | Singular Arabic 1 | Plural Arabic 2 | Singular Arabic 2 | Gender | POS | Meaning |
1 | أَسْيَاف | سَيْف | أَسياف | سيف | m | N | Sword |
سُيُوف | |||||||
أَسْيُف | |||||||
2 | أَقـْلام | قـَلَم | أَقلام | قلم | m | N | Pen |
3 | أَرْغِـفَة | رَغِيف | أَرغفة | رغيف | m | N | Bread |
4 | عُمُد | عَمُود | عمد | عمود | m | N | Mast, Column |
أَعْمِدَة | |||||||
عِمْدَان | |||||||
5 | حُمْر | أَحْمَر | حمر | أَحمر | m | A | Red |
6 | كـُتـُب | كِـتـَاب | كتب | كتاب | m | N | Book |
7 | سُرُر | سَرِير | سرر | سرير | m | N | Bed |
أَسِرَّة | |||||||
8 | غُرَف | غـُرْفـَة | غرف | غرفة | f | N | Room |
9 | رُمَاة | رَامِي | رماة | رامي | m | N | Lancer, Spear shooter |
10 | قـُضَاة | قـَاضِي | قضاة | قاضي | m | N | Judge |
11 | كـَمَلَة | كـَامِل | كملة | كامل | m | A | Complete |
كُمَّل | |||||||
12 | قِـرَدَة | قِـرْد | قردة | قرد | m | N | Monkey |
قُرُود | |||||||
13 | كِعَاب | كـَعْب | كعاب | كعب | m | N | Heel bone |
كُعُوب | |||||||
أَكْعَاب | |||||||
أَكْعُب | |||||||
14 | نِعَاج | نـَعْجَة | نعاج | نعجة | f | N | Ewe |
نَعْجَات | |||||||
15 | رِمَاح | رُمْح | رماح | رمح | m | N | Spear |
أرْمَاح | |||||||
16 | ذِئاب | ذِئب | ذئاب | ذئب | m | N | Wolf |
17 | جِمَال | جَمَل | جمال | جمل | m | N | Camel |
18 | ضُرُوس | ضُرْس | ضروس | ضرس | m | N | Tooth |
أَضْرَاس | |||||||
19 | جُـنـُود | جُنْدِيّ | جنود | جندي | m | N | Soldier |
جُنْد | |||||||
20 | أُسُود | أَسَد | أسود | أَسد | m | N | Lion |
أُسْد | |||||||
آسَاد | |||||||
21 | حِـيتـَان | حُوت | حيتان | حوت | m | N | Whale |
22 | قِـيعَان | قـَاع | قيعان | قاع | m | N | Bottom |
23 | كـُرَمَاء | كـَرِيم | كرماء | كريم | m | A | Generous |
كِرَام | |||||||
24 | عُـقـَلاء | عَاقِـل | عقلاء | عاقل | m | A | Wise, Rational |
25 | أَوْلِـيَاء | وَلِيّ | أَولياء | وليّ | m | N | Parent |
26 | أَشِـدَّاء | شَدِيد | أَشداء | شديد | m | A | Powerful |
شِدَاد | |||||||
27 | جَوَاهِر | جَوْهَرَة | جواهر | جوهرة | f | N | Jewel |
28 | طَوَابِع | طَابـِع | طوابع | طابع | m | N | Stamp |
29 | عَجَائِز | عَجُوز | عجائز | عجوز | f | A | Oldster |
عَجَزَة | |||||||
30 | عَذَارَى | عَذْرَاء | عذارى | عذراء | f | A | Virgin |
31 | صَحَارَى | صَحْرَاء | صحارى | صحراء | f | N | Desert |
32 | كـَرَاسِيّ | كـُرْسِيّ | كراسيّ | كرسيّ | m | N | Chair |
33 | جَعَافِر | جَعْفَر | جعافر | جعفر | m | PN | Jaafar |
34 | عَصَافِـير | عُصْـفُور | عصافير | عصفور | m | N | Bird |
35 | قـَنَادِيل | قِنـْدِيل | قناديل | قنديل | m | N | Lamp |
Practical Applications
DAP can be used for normalization (identifying the singular) for:
Information retrieval
Morphological analysis
Language education
Query processing
Machine translation
Related Resources

Arabic Wordlist
General vocabulary, proper nouns and technical terms

Arabic Full-Form Lexicon
Includes all inflected, declined and conjugated forms

Arabic Phonetic Database
Phonemic transcriptions for core Arabic vocabulary