English-Japanese Dictionary
Over 80,000 entries
Optimized for print dictionaries and apps
Can be used together with JED
The CJKI English-Japanese Dictionary (EJD) covers about 82,000 entries, consisting of general vocabulary and important proper names, and includes part-of-speech codes as well as other grammatical and phonological data.
Optimized for the convenience of users of language learners, EJD has just the right amount of detail: enough equivalents to provide a fairly deep understanding, yet short enough not to clutter up the screen or page.
English-Japanese Dictionary
English | POS | Japanese |
wrinkle | N | しわ; うまい考え; 名案 |
wrinkle | V | しわが寄る, …にしわを寄せる |
wrist | N | 手首, そで口 |
wristband | N | 袖口, バンド |
wristlet | N | 袖口バンド, 金属バンド, 腕輪 |
wristwatch | N | 腕時計 |
writ | N | 令状 |
writ large | E | 特筆大書して, 大規模で |
write | V | 書く; 著述する, 作曲する; 手紙を書く; 署名する |
write down | E | 書き留める; 評する; 調子を下げて書く; けなす |
write in | E | 投書する; 書き込む; 書き入れて投票する |
write off | E | 帳消しにする; 損失とみなす; すらすらと書く |
write one's own ticket | E | 将来の方針を立てる |
write out | E | 全部書く, 清書する; 書く |
write up | E | より詳しく書く; 論評する, ほめて書く |
write-down | N | 評価切り下げ; 償却 |
write-off | N | 帳消し, 価格引き下げ |
write-up | N | 記事, 評価増し |
writer | N | 作家, 記者; 書く人; 筆者; 作者; 著者 |
writer's block | E | 著述遮断 |
Practical Applications
Printed dictionaries
Especially for learners
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